2020 House League Seasoned Cancelled (May 1, 2020)

As the calendar turns to May, we would all like to be getting ready to take the field.  Sadly, due the COVID-19 pandemic, that is currently not possible.  Field permits have been cancelled until at least the beginning of July, and are unlikely to open at that time.  Even if games were to begin on July 1st, the T-Ball season would be almost over and other divisions would have lost half of their season.

With that in mind, we have no choice but to announce the cancellation of the 2020 York Baseball Association House League season.

Should the parks open before the end of the summer, we intend to host some practices and pick-up nights to reconnect with players in anticipation of the 2021 season.  We would also provide some opportunities for our T-Ball players to take the field.

We are still awaiting word from the Ontario Baseball Association regarding Select play, as they MAY hold an abbreviated season depending on recommendations from Ontario Public Health.  We will provide updates as we receive them.


Jim Turner
President, York Baseball