Return-To-Baseball (Jun 11, 2021)
The York Baseball Association is excited to announce that we are moving forward with plans to return to playing baseball for the 2021 season. Entering Step 1 of the Provincial Reopening Plan today does not allow us to play games just yet, but it does give us optimism for a modified 2021 season.
For 2021, our plan is to try to get our House League season up and running once we have been given the green light from the Province and the City medical officers, and Baseball Ontario. Assuming that we will be able to play once groups of 50 are allowed to gather, games can once again begin. As a consequence, limits of 50 players (4 teams) will be set for each division this year.
Online Registration ( will open from this evening. Registration fees will not be initially charged at this time. Register online as usual and select your age level, but a fee of $0.00 will appear. Registration is being opened to gauge overall player interest per division, as well as to help prepare for the season. While York Baseball has every intention of returning to our fields this year, registration numbers will ultimately decide which levels and how many teams can be fielded.
There will be a 2021 discounted registration fee of $100 per each player. Payment is due on Opening Day and not now. A sibling discount of $25 per each additional sibling will be offered in 2021 (Ex. 1st sibling pays $100, 2nd sibling pays $75, 3rd sibling pays $75, etc.).
NOTE: Our T-Ball program will not be offered for the 2021 season. We look forward to seeing our T-Ballers again for the 2022 season!
Practices and Opening Day games will be determined in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Baseball Ontario and by the Ontario Government, as outlined in their 3-Step Reopening Plan.
Finally, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, new guidelines and protocols must now be in place and strictly followed in order to return to playing baseball. Please refer to the "YBA Covid-19 Guidelines", under the Registration menu on our website.
York Baseball remains hopeful that we will be playing baseball once again, and there is also a chance that reopening the Province may get accelerated. And we will be ready to pick up where we left off after our exciting 2019 season. Until we can return to baseball, stay safe and hopefully see you soon.
York Baseball Association