Update - Stage 3 Reopening (July 31, 2020)
- The Ontario Government announced that the region of Toronto will move into Stage 3 from From Friday, July 31st
- As outlined in "A Framework for Reopening our Province - Stage 3",
Team sports and live sporting events
- Prolonged or deliberate contact while playing sports is not permitted.
- Team sports in which body contact between players is either an integral component of the sport or commonly occurs while engaged in the sport (e.g., wrestling, judo) are not yet permitted, unless the approach can be modified to prevent prolonged or deliberate physical contact.
- Amateur and recreational sports leagues may resume so long as they do not allow prolonged or deliberate physical contact between players or if they have modifications to avoid physical contact between players.
- Leagues must contain no more than 50 participants total. If participants in a league exceed 50, the league may divide into smaller groups of no more than 50. Players are not yet permitted to play against players outside of their league or group.
- Spectators at all sporting events, including professional sports, will be subject to gathering limits and physical distancing measures, with assigned seating where possible.
The City of Toronto has begun to issue sports field permits, including baseball diamonds. At the moment York Baseball is coordinating with the City, with regards to acquiring field permits for Smythe Park.
The Select season for 2020 has been cancelled by the Etobicoke Baseball Association.
A return to the baseball field for any purpose will include many new protocols and guidelines that must be strictly adhered to
It is strongly advised that all players, parents, coaches and umpires read the Ontario Baseball Association's "Return to Baseball COVID-19 Guidelines".
Please check back in the upcoming days for updates, as we expect more information soon.